Saturday, 8 April 2017

Guest post: The Land of the Lost

Let me introduce myself, I am Winslow E. Dixon. I have Medullary Sponge Kidney Disorder, Endometriosis and due to the stress of those two things- developed adrenal failure (Addison’s disease). I am a former geriatrics specialist and holistic health coach. I am now a freelance writer, columnist and author. 

I have a chronic illness, but I refuse to be defined by it.
Sometimes, with chronic illness we feel stuck, trapped and overwhelmed.
Times like this I call falling into the“Land of the Lost.”

It’s that point where you feel restless. You can’t sleep. You find anything that will distract your mind long enough for you to succumb to exhaustion and fall asleep.  

I know every single human being has had a night like this, especially those who struggle with health issues and pain.

It always starts the same way; thinking too much. Thinking about how much pain you’re in….thinking about how you wish you were well again….thinking about how you wish life would be. 

Here are tips for nights where you may be stuck in the “Land of the Lost”-
      1-  Write down what is bothering you.
2- Write down one good thing in your life for every problem you wrote down.
3- After steps 1 & 2, find a distraction. Panic attacks, tears and worry do not solve anything! (Distraction list below)
4- Find a source of comfort. Try drinking some hot tea, wrapping up in a freshly washed blanket, spraying your favorite scent or putting on your favorite shirt.
5- Avoid sad triggers! Stay in your calm state and get away from any remembrance of what is bothering you. Find a mental “chant” to remind yourself to stay away from negative thoughts. (My mental chant is “Don’t go there”   example- Oh; I wish I was thin again like before I was on steroid medication.  DON’T GO THERE. Think about something else)

List of possible distractions-
1- Pinterest! Type in something you love (clothes, art, photography, animals, etc) Look up recipes and maybe even a new hobby to try
2- Favorite movie or book.  Netflix is our friend!
3- Maybe look up bloopers of your favorite show. That’ll give you a laugh for sure.
4- Pop in your headphones and play some happy or calm music. Do not 
play any music that will remind you of anything upsetting or troublesome.
5- Doodle! Yeah, like you did in 7th grade English class. It’s fun to draw random things.
6- Stare at the stars. Soak in the sun. Enjoy a moment outside!  Be very careful with this. Do not let the beauty of the sky be degraded by worry and negative thoughts.
The next time you’re in the land of the lost, I hope these tips help. Wishing everyone hope and healing <3

Friday, 7 April 2017

Winter: my old foe

Those of you have read some of my early posts may remember my intense dislike of the cold. Not just because of wearing so many layers that you can no longer bend, but because if there's one thing that agitates arthritis, it's the cold.

 (Image: Living with oesteoarthritis - symptoms - pain, stiffness, swelling, sensation/rubbing of bone on bone, crunching/popping sounds during walking, limited movement, especially in the hips)

Basically, I plan to start a petition as follows.

All people suffering with arthritis or similar, or otherwise greatly affected by the cold, should be immediately relocated to the tropical paradise of their choice. 

I think that this idea is perfect in its simplicity. No more stiff joints. No more painful walking. In fact, it's a wonder that anyone hasn't come up with this before.

Now that spring is here, we have plenty of time to get this idea off the ground! OK, so maybe we won't get the tropical paradise of our choice, but I'm flexible! How many cupcakes do you think we would need to sell to buy an Island? Like, 100?