Never have I seen my facebook so crowded with scams, pyramid schemes, weight loss procedures and boot camps.
Let's play a little game with this print out and play bingo card.
Can we all just take a minute to remember that being overweight is not the biggest crisis most people will go through. Don't offer unsolicited advice to people on their weight. Trust me, they know how much they weigh and they already know if they feel good or bad about it, it has f*** all to do with anyone else. Don't offer helpful tips. Don't talk at length about what worked for you.
Please, for the love of science, don't sign up for 6 worthless sessions of cool sculpting, don't buy skinny wraps (there is no possible way they work!), and definitely don't get sold a jar of magic beans.
Those of us who have been through, or are in the midst of, a health crisis can often feel that their bodies are out of control. Chances are, if you're stuck at home in bed, you've gained some weight. Well, so what. You're alive. Being fatter and alive is better than being thinner and dead.
The fact that gyms, personal trainers, and horrible, soulless pyramid sellers everywhere see summer as the perfect time to prey on people shows how vulnerable people are to self hate. Summer is when we have to show some skin, and we don't want to be the worst looking person on the beach right?
F*** all of that. To everyone out there battling illness and or disability: your body has gotten you this far. It is the best friend that you have. Show it some love, because it loves you, and take yourself out to the beach. Or stay inside with a fan. Sand isn't all that great, and seaweed is totally gross...
You do you.
But we should all dance to the below song.
Haters Gonna Hate
Have a great summer.
Lisa x