I was in agony, and crying. A lovely nurse gave me tissues and water, encouraging me to let it all out. Even then, I was aware that the surgery must have gone without a hitch, and that was something to be pleased about. I had not woken up. I had not felt anything during, or if I did I had no memory of it. These were good things.
Mum was waiting for me in my room. I was transferred from operating bed to regular bed, via some lifting and sliding action, and from then on I was officially in recovery. The worst was over.
The pain was probably the worst I have ever experienced. Considering I only had two small holes in me, I can only imagine how much worse it gets if you need something more serious done. But that's surgery for you. As much as you can sedate and anesthetize, your body is never going to be happy that someone's been poking it with a scalpel.
I had some good news. My surgeon came up with some pictures to show me my insides. She remarked on how lovely my pelvis was, and how good my organs look. (My organs always get a lot of compliments, the benefit of clean-living).

(This is not one of my pictures, but shows what I had. Alas, mine are in my files and I did not get to take them home for repeat viewing)
It would be great to think that in a few weeks I could be back to my regular, limping self, instead of this new extra pain version, but I will just have to wait and see. Right now, everything hurts, and I am ridiculously tired. I got up for breakfast at 7am, read for a bit, and the next thing I knew I was waking up at 2pm.
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